Annotation Files

The annotation files contain detailed information about every output file. Also, the Git SHA1 hash of the uap repository at the time of data processing is included. The executed commands are listed. Annotation contains information about inter-process streams and output files, including SHA1 checksums, file sizes, and line counts as well.

Upon successful completion of a task, an extensive YAML-formatted annotation is placed next to the output files in a file called .[task_id]-annotation.yaml. Also, for every output file, a symbolic link to this file is created: .[output_filename].annotation.yaml.

Finally, the annotation is rendered via GraphViz, if available. Rendering can also be done at a later time using annotations as input (see uap‘s render subcommand). The annotation can be used to determine at a later time what exactly happened. Also, annotations may help to identify bottlenecks.


Annotation graph of a cutadapt run. CPU and RAM usage for individual processes are shown, file sizes and line counts are shown for output files and inter-process streams.


In this graph, it becomes evident that the process in the middle gets throttled by the following two pigz processes, which only run with one core each and therefore cannot compress the results fast enough.


Contains information about all directories/files used during processing a run. uap calculates the SHA1 hexdigest for each known file with the designation ‘output’ aka. output/result files.