Command-Line Usage of uap

uap uses Python’s argparse. Therefore, uap provides help information on the command-line:

$ uap -h
usage: uap [-h] [-v] [--version]

This script starts and controls 'uap' analysis.

positional arguments:
                        Path to YAML file that contains the pipeline configuration.
                        The content of that file needs to follow the documentation.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity
  --version             Display version information.

  Available subcommands.

    fix-problems        Fixes problematic states by removing stall files.
    render              Renders DOT-graphs displaying information of the analysis.
    run-locally         Executes the analysis on the local machine.
    status              Displays information about the status of the analysis.
    steps               Displays information about the steps available in uap.
    submit-to-cluster   Submits the jobs created by uap to a cluster
    run-info            Displays information about certain source or processing runs.
    volatilize          Saves disk space by volatilizing intermediate results

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Almost all subcommands require a YAML configuration file (see Analysis Configuration File) except for uap steps, which works independent of an analysis configuration file.

Everytime uap is started with a analysis configuration file the following actions happen:

  1. Configuration file is read
  2. Tools given in the tools section are checked
  3. Input files are checked
  4. State of all runs are calculated

If any of these steps fail, uap will exit and print an error message.

uap will create a symbolic link, if it does not exist already, pointing to the destination path called <project-config>.yaml-out. The symbolic link is created in the directory containing the <project-config>.yaml.

There are a couple of global command line parameters which are valid for all scripts (well, actually, it’s only one):

--even-if-dirty or short --even:
If this parameter appears uap will work even if uncommited changes to its source code are detected. uap would otherwise immediately stop working. If you specify this flag, the repositories state is recorded in all annotation files created by this process. A full Git diff is included as well.


Here an overview of all the available subcommands are given.

steps Subcommand

The steps subcommand lists all available source and processing steps:

$ uap steps -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] steps [-h] [--even-if-dirty] [--show STEP]

This script displays by default a list of all steps the pipeline can use.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty  This option must be set if the local git repository
                   contains uncommited changes.
                   Otherwise uap will not run.
  --show STEP      Show the details of a specific step.

status Subcommand

The status subcommand lists all runs of an analysis. A run is describes the concrete processing of a sample by a step. Samples are usually defined at the source steps and are then propagated through the analysis. Here is the help message:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml status -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] status [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                          [--cluster CLUSTER] [--summarize]
                                          [--graph] [--sources]
                                          [-r [RUN [RUN ...]]]

This script displays by default information about all runs of the pipeline as
configured in '<project-config>.yaml'. But the displayed information can be
narrowed down via command line options.
IMPORTANT: Hints given by this script are just valid if the jobs were
submitted to the cluster.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty       This option must be set if the local git repository
                        contains uncommited changes.
                        Otherwise uap will not run.
  --cluster CLUSTER     Specify the cluster type. Default: [auto].
  --summarize           Displays summarized information of the analysis.
  --graph               Displays the dependency graph of the analysis.
  --sources             Displays only information about the source runs.
  -r [RUN [RUN ...]], --run [RUN [RUN ...]]
                        The status of these runs are displayed.

At any time, each run is in one of the following states:

  • [w]aiting – the run is waiting for input files to appear, or its input files are not up-to-date regarding their respective dependencies
  • [r]eady – all input files are present and up-to-date regarding their upstream input files (and so on, recursively), the run is ready and can be started
  • [q]ueued – the run is currently queued and will be started “soon” (only available if you use a compute cluster)
  • [e]xecuting – the run is currently running on this or another machine
  • [f]inished – all output files are in place and up-to-date

Here is an example output:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml status
Waiting tasks
[w] fasta_index/download
[w] segemehl_index/Mycoplasma_genitalium_genome-download

Ready tasks
[r] bowtie2_index/Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download
[r] bwa_index/Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download

Finished tasks
[f] M_genitalium_genome/download

tasks: 5 total, 2 waiting, 2 ready, 1 finished

To get a more concise summary, specify --summarize:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml status --summarize
Waiting tasks
[w]   1 fasta_index
[w]   1 segemehl_index

Ready tasks
[r]   1 bowtie2_index
[r]   1 bwa_index

Finished tasks
[f]   1 M_genitalium_genome

tasks: 5 total, 2 waiting, 2 ready, 1 finished

... or print a fancy ASCII art graph with --graph:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml status --graph
M_genitalium_genome (raw_url_source) [1 finished]
└─│─│─│─bowtie2_index (bowtie2_generate_index) [1 ready]
  └─│─│─bwa_index (bwa_generate_index) [1 ready]
    └─│─fasta_index (samtools_faidx) [1 waiting]
      └─segemehl_index (segemehl_generate_index) [1 waiting]

Detailed information about a specific task can be obtained by specifying the run ID on the command line:

$ uap index_mycoplasma_genitalium_ASM2732v1_genome.yaml status -r \
[uap] Set log level to ERROR
output_directory: genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/bowtie2_index/Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download-ZsvbSjtK
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.1.bt2: &id001
    - genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/Mycoplasma_genitalium.ASM2732v1.fa
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.2.bt2: *id001
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.3.bt2: *id001
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.4.bt2: *id001
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.rev.1.bt2: *id001
    Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download.rev.2.bt2: *id001
private_info: {}
public_info: {}
run_id: Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download

This is the known data for run bowtie2_index/Mycoplasma_genitalium_index-download. It contains information about the output folder, the output files and the input files they depend on as well as the run ID and the run state.

Source steps can be viewed separately by specifying --sources:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml status --sources
[uap] Set log level to ERROR

run-info Subcommand

The run-info subcommand displays the commands issued for a given run. The output looks like a BASH script, but might not be functional. This is due to the fact that output redirections for some commands are missing in the BASH script. The output includes also the information as shown by the status -r <run-ID> subcommand.

An example output showing the download of the Mycoplasma genitalium genome:

$ uap index_mycoplasma_genitalium_ASM2732v1_genome.yaml run-info --even -r M_genitalium_genome/download
[uap] Set log level to ERROR
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# M_genitalium_genome/download -- Report
# ======================================
# output_directory: genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/M_genitalium_genome/download-7RncJ4tr
# output_files:
#   out/raw:
#     genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/Mycoplasma_genitalium.ASM2732v1.fa: []
# private_info: {}
# public_info: {}
# run_id: download
# state: FINISHED
# M_genitalium_genome/download -- Commands
# ========================================

# 1. Group of Commands -- 1. Command
# ----------------------------------


# 2. Group of Commands -- 1. Command
# ----------------------------------

../tools/ --algorithm md5 --secure-hash f02c78b5f9e756031eeaa51531517f24 genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/M_genitalium_genome/download-7RncJ4tr/L9PXBmbPKlemghJGNM97JwVuzMdGCA_000027325.1_ASM2732v1_genomic.fna.gz

# 3. Group of Commands -- 1. Pipeline
# -----------------------------------

pigz --decompress --stdout --processes 1 genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/M_genitalium_genome/download-7RncJ4tr/L9PXBmbPKlemghJGNM97JwVuzMdGCA_000027325.1_ASM2732v1_genomic.fna.gz | dd bs=4M of=/home/hubert/develop/uap/example-configurations/genomes/bacteria/Mycoplasma_genitalium/Mycoplasma_genitalium.ASM2732v1.fa

This subcommand enables the user to manually run parts of the analysis without uap. That can be helpful for debugging steps during development.

run-locally Subcommand

The run-locally subcommand runs all non-finished runs (or a specified subset) sequentially on the local machine. The execution can be cancelled at any time, it won’t put your project in a unstable state. However, if the run-locally subcommand receives a SIGKILL signal, the currently executing job will continue to run and the corresponding run will be reported as executing by calling status subcommand for five more minutes (SIGTERM should be fine and exit gracefully but doesn’t just yet). After that time, you will be warned that a job is marked as being currently run but no activity has been seen for a while, along with further instructions about what to do in such a case (don’t worry, it shouldn’t happen by accident).

Specify a set of run IDs to execute only those runs. Specify the name of a step to execute all ready runs of that step.

This subcommands usage information:

$ uap index_mycoplasma_genitalium_ASM2732v1_genome.yaml run-locally -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] run-locally [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                               [run [run ...]]

This command  starts 'uap' on the local machine. It can be used to start:
 * all runs of the pipeline as configured in <project-config>.yaml
 * all runs defined by a specific step in <project-config>.yaml
 * one or more steps
To start the complete pipeline as configured in <project-config>.yaml execute:
$ uap <project-config>.yaml run-locally
To start a specific step execute:
$ uap <project-config>.yaml run-locally <step_name>
To start a specific run execute:
$ uap <project-config>.yaml run-locally <step/run>
The step_name is the name of an entry in the 'steps:' section as defined in '<project-config>.yaml'. A specific run is defined via its run ID 'step/run'. To get a list of all run IDs please run:
$ uap <project-config>.yaml status

positional arguments:
  run              These runs are processed on the local machine.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty  This option must be set if the local git repository
                   contains uncommited changes.
                   Otherwise uap will not run.


Why is it safe to cancel the pipeline? The pipeline is written in a way which expects processes to fail or cluster jobs to disappear without notice. This problem is mitigated by a design which relies on file presence and file timestamps to determine whether a run is finished or not. Output files are automatically written to temporary locations and later moved to their real target directory, and it is not until the last file rename operation has finished that a run is regarded as finished.

submit-to-cluster Subcommand

The submit-to-cluster subcommand determines which runs still need to be executed and which supported cluster engine is available. It submits a job for every run to the cluster if a cluster engine could be detected. Dependencies are passed to cluster engine in a way that jobs that depend on other jobs won’t get scheduled until their dependencies have been satisfied. For more information read about the cluster configuration and the submit script template. Each submitted job calls uap with the run-locally subcommand on the executing cluster node.

Here is the usage information:

$ uap index_mycoplasma_genitalium_ASM2732v1_genome.yaml submit-to-cluster -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] submit-to-cluster [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                                     [--cluster CLUSTER]
                                                     [run [run ...]]

This script submits all runs configured in <project-config>.yaml to a cluster.
The configuration for the available cluster types is stored at
The list of runs can be narrowed down to specific steps. All runs of the
specified step will be submitted to the cluster. Also, individual runs IDs
(step/run) can be used for submission.

positional arguments:
  run                Submit only these runs to the cluster.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty    This option must be set if the local git repository
                     contains uncommited changes.
                     Otherwise uap will not run.
  --cluster CLUSTER  Specify the cluster type. Default: [auto].

fix-problems Subcommand

The fix-problems subcommand removes temporary files written by uap if they are not required anymore.

Here is the usage information:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml fix-problems -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] fix-problems [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                                [--cluster CLUSTER]
                                                [--details] [--srsly]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty    This option must be set if the local git repository
                     contains uncommited changes.
                     Otherwise uap will not run.
  --cluster CLUSTER  Specify the cluster type. Default: [auto].
  --details          Displays information about the files causing problems.
  --srsly            Delete problematic files.
  usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] fix-problems [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                                  [--cluster CLUSTER]
                                                  [--details] [--srsly]

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help         show this help message and exit
    --even-if-dirty    Must be set if the local git repository contains
                       uncommited changes. Otherwise the pipeline will not start.
    --cluster CLUSTER  Specify the cluster type (sge, slurm), defaults to auto.
    --details          Displays information about problematic files which need
                       to be deleted to fix problem.
    --srsly            Deletes problematic files.

uap writes temporary files to indicate if a job is queued or executed. Sometimes (especially on the compute cluster) jobs fail, without even starting uap. This leaves the temporary file, written on job submission, indicating that a run was queued on the cluster without process (because it already failed). The status subcommand will inform the user if fix-problems needs to be executed to clean up the mess. The hint given by status would look like:

Warning: There are 10 tasks marked as queued, but they do not seem to be queued
Hint: Run 'uap <project-config>.yaml fix-problems --details' to see the details.
Hint: Run 'uap <project-config>.yaml fix-problems --srsly' to fix these problems
      (that is, delete all problematic ping files).

Be nice and do as you’ve told. Now you are able to resubmit your runs to the cluster. You’ve fixed the problem, haven’t you?

volatilize Subcommand

The volatilize subcommand is useful to reduce the required disk space of your analysis. It works only if the _volatile keyword is set in the analysis configuration file for. As already mentioned there, steps marked as _volatile compute their output files as normal but can be replaced by placeholder files if their dependent steps are finished.

This subcommand provides usage information:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml volatilize -h

usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] volatilize [-h] [--even-if-dirty]
                                              [--details] [--srsly]

Save disk space by volatilizing intermediate results. Only steps marked with '_volatile: True' are considered.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty  This option must be set if the local git repository
                   contains uncommited changes.
                   Otherwise uap will not run.
  --details        Shows which files can be volatilized.
  --srsly          Replaces files marked for volatilization with a placeholder.

After running volatilize --srsly the output files of the volatilized step are replaced by placeholder files. The placeholder files have the same name as the original files suffixed with .volatile.placeholder.yaml.

render Subcommand

The render subcommand generates graphs using graphviz. The graphs either show the complete analysis or the execution of a single run. At the moment --simple only has an effect in combination with --steps.

This subcommand provides usage information:

$ uap <project-config>.yaml render -h
usage: uap [<project-config>.yaml] render [-h] [--even-if-dirty] [--files]
                                          [--steps] [--simple]
                                          [--orientation {left-to-right,right-to-left,top-to-bottom}]
                                          [run [run ...]]

'render' generates DOT-graphs. Without arguments
it takes the annotation file of each run and generates a graph,
showing details of the computation.

positional arguments:
  run                   Render only graphs for these runs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --even-if-dirty       This option must be set if the local git repository
                        contains uncommited changes.
                        Otherwise uap will not run.
  --files               Renders a graph showing all files of the analysis.
                        [Not implemented yet!]
  --steps               Renders a graph showing all steps of the analysis and
                        their connections.
  --simple              Simplify rendered graphs.
  --orientation {left-to-right,right-to-left,top-to-bottom}
                        Defines orientation of the graph.
                        Default: 'top-to-bottom'